2004, “Master Jeweler, Master Craftsman,” Nashua Telegraph,
Nashua, NH, March 10, pg. A-20.
2003 “The Role of Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC)
since September 11 th. ” Homeland Protection Professional
Magazine , September.
2003 "Consumer Goods: Packaging, Plastics, and Synthetic
(1930s-1960s)", Atlas of U.S. and Canadian Environmental
History , Rutledge Kegan-Paul, NJ, Summer.
2001 "Annual Review of Astronomy" Science
and Technology Almanac , The Moschovitis Group, New
York, NY, Summer. Book chapter describing 2001 advances in
"Promises, Promises," Discovery Channel
On-Line , Bethesda, MD, December 15-31. Rebroadcast
and update of my October 95 story about the impact of the
Bosnian war on Bosnian children. The show aired right after
the Dayton peace accord was signed and was selected as a “1995
BEST” Discovery Channel On-Line story. See:
1995, “Teaching Inside an Electronic Writing Space,” GNN
-- The Global Navigation Network , October-December,
on-line story about using the computer and the Internet to
teach children writing interactively and collectively. Go
1995, "The JASON Project: Weaving technology into science
education", Upper Valley Magazine ,
Lebanon, NH, December.
1995, "Opening a Door to the Ocean Floor,” Upper
Valley Magazine, Lebanon , NH ,
November . Story describes advances
that have taken place in oceanography and telecommunications
at Woods Hole.
1995, "E-mail from the War Zone," Discovery
Channel On-Line , Bethesda, MD, October 5-19. On-line
story about how relief agencies in Croatia and Bosnia are
using the Internet to reunite families split apart by the
Bosnian war. On the net, go to:
1995, "Silent Witness," Destination Discovery
, Bethesda, Maryland, July. A 700-word article about
forensic entomology -- what insects can tell investigators
about murder scenes.
1995, "Electronic Entrepreneurs," New Hampshire
Editions , Nashua, NH, May.
1995, "The Future of New Hampshire Health Care: An interview
with C. Everett Koop," New Hampshire Editions
, Nashua, NH, May.
1995, "The Atomic Legacy: Human guinea pigs, waste,
quackery and science," Focus Magazin ,
March, which focused on radiation experiments performed on
women, children, the mentally ill, prisoners and minorities
internationally without the subjects consent from 1945 through
1994, "Lernen IM 21. Jahrhundert: Das Klassenzimmer
der Zukunft," (Learning in the 21st
Century: The Classroom of the Future) Focus Magazin
, Munich, Germany, December 2.
1994, "Slip Into the Net with Shareware," Wired
Magazine , San Francisco, Ca, October.
1994, "Interactiv Fliegende Klassenzimmer: Tele-Untericht
im Regenwald," (The Interactive Classroom: Telecommunications
in the Rain forest) Focus Magazin , Munich,
Germany, September 12. A story about twenty-first century
science education, telecommunications and the science, which
links classrooms in North America, the Caribbean and Great
1994, " GIs als Versuchstiere (GI's As Guinea Pigs),"
Focus Magazin , Munich,
Germany, July 7. Experimental drugs used by the Army during
the Gulf War as a vaccine against chemical agents become highly
toxic when mixed with insecticide DEET. Researchers believe
that it may be one of the causes of Gulf War Syndrome.
1994, “Stepping Inside a Virtual Operating Room," Upper
Valley Magazine , Lebanon, New Hampshire, May/June.
1994, "New Hampshire Schools Face Roadblocks to the
Information Highway," Sunday Nashua Telegraph
, Nashua, NH, March 6. This story will appear at
a half dozen other daily newspapers in New Hampshire through
the Granite News Service.
1994, “Radiation Experiments at the Fernald School,"
Focus Magazin , Munich, Germany, January
1994, "The Virtual Operating Room,” Science
Photo Library , London, England, January -- syndicated
throughout Europe.
1993, "The Atomic Scrap Yard," Science
Photo Library , London, England, December -- Science
short about a man who collected artifacts from the Manhattan
Project and Cold War period. The story was distributed throughout
1993, "Schlafen nach Plan (Master Plan for Sleeping),"
Focus Magazine , Munich, Germany, October
18 -- Six-page cover story, which explains how American scientists
use light treatment to shift the biological clock of shift
1993, "Virtuelle Medizin," Focus Magazine
, Munich, Germany, June 21, 1993 -- A six-page feature
about virtual reality in medicine in the U.S. and Germany.
The story was reprinted in EPOCA in Italy.
1993, "Der Fluster-Auspuff," Focus Magazine
, Munich, Germany, May 29, 1993 -- A revised version
of my noise cancellation story adapted for a European audience.
1993, "A Magic Bullet," Focus Magazine
, Munich, Germany. April -- Story about MRI-guided
medical missiles that can destroy cancer cells by delivering
a chemotherapeutic drug or the electromagnetic qualities of
the delivery system to kill the tumor.
1993, “A Quiet Investment," Technology Review
, February/March -- Trends story about national noise
policy and noise cancellation technology.
1993, "Promising Technology," New Hampshire
Premier , January -- Feature story about role of
high cost medical technology in health care costs and reform.
1992, "Discovering Science," New Hampshire
Premier , December -- Feature article that compares
a mid-level scientist's experiences exploring the deep-sea
in the submersible Alvin with a high school science teacher
and student's opportunity to participate in an Antarctic expedition.
1992, "Nature's Symphony," New Hampshire
Premier , November -- Science column about ecology
and the seasonal songs of crickets, katydids and grasshoppers
in New Hampshire.
1992, "Touching the Past," New Hampshire
Premier , October -- Story about the discovery of
one of the oldest prehistoric Indian sites in New Hampshire.
1992, "From Greenland to Greenhouse," New
Hampshire Premier , October -- A column about ice-core
research in Greenland
1992, "Strategic Bombing and Smart Weapons in the Gulf
War," NOVA, WGBH-TV , Boston, Mass.,
1991, "Empower -- The Flagship of New Hampshire?"
Business New Hampshire , September -- Feature
about Empower Microsystems', Milford, NH, bid to sell 20,000
computers to China. Story covers the problems of exporting
high-end PC technology to China, trade deficits and New Hampshire
staking its revival on exports.
1991, "At Haystack, Students Daring to Experiment,"
Boston Sunday Globe , Learning Section,
August 4, 1991, (pages 39, 40), – Twenty-eight gifted
13 to 15 year-old students spend a month studying astronomy
at the Haystack Observatory through the NSF Young Scholars
Program. It's the only program in the country conducted at
an observatory.
1991, "Illinois Congressman Seeks to Rekindle Noise
Control," Manchester Union Leader Sunday News
, August 4, 1991, (pages 1A and 8A) -- Three articles
(including a front-page article) on the dormant 1972 Noise
Control Act and attempts to reopen the EPA office of noise
abatement control.
1991, "U.S. Army asks two New England defense companies
to help future patriot missile operators." Manchester
Union Leader Sunday News , May 5, (Sunday Business
Section -- pages D1, D15). Profile about the Patriot missile
system simulator and Lockheed-Sanders role in its design and
Ost, John and Murray Straus
1987, "Capital Intensive Hospital Technology and Illness:
An analysis of American state data." Social Science
and Medicine , v. 25, No. 1, (pages 75-87).
Ost, John and Phillip Antweiler
1986, "The Social Impact of High Cost Medical Technology:
Issues and conflicts surrounding the decision to adopt CAT
scanners." In Roth, Julius and Sheryl Ruzek (ed.) Research
in the Sociology of Health Care -- Volume
4. California: JAI Press (pages 33-92).
Ost, John and John MacDougall
1981, "Doctors, Death and Dying: Some ideological trends."
Presented to the American Sociological Association
, Medical Sociology section, Toronto, August 26,
Ost, John and Murray Straus
1980, "The Medical Affluence Index: A new tool for research
in medical sociology." Presented to the Second
Conference on the Clinical Applications of the Social Sciences
to Health . University of Illinois, Urbana, October
Ost, John
1980, "Domination and the Rise of Intermediate Classes:
Divergent paths of analyses of domination and class structure
in the Marxian and Weberian models." Paper present to
the Eastern Sociological Society , Social
Theory section, Boston: March 15.